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时间:2024-11-17 07:17 点击:67 次

kaiyun体育" she recalled-云开全站app官方入口下载

The seventh China International Import Expo (CIIE) takes place in Shanghai from Nov. 5 to 10. [Photo by Zheng Liang/]

The China International Import Expo (CIIE) continues to strengthen global trade connections as it marks its seventh year, drawing participants from across the world to Shanghai.

"It's incredible how much has changed since my first visit to the China International Import Expo," said Hon Jia Xin, manager of the Lifestyle & Life Sciences Section at the Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation. Hon, who attended the inaugural expo six years ago, returned as Malaysia took its place as a Guest Country of Honor at the event.

Malaysia's initial participation focused primarily on high-tech and service sectors within industry pavilions. "Back then, we only had industry players from certain sectors," she recalled, adding, "This year, we brought a diverse range of sectors, including fast-moving consumer goods, sustainable products, services, and e-commerce."

"China has been our largest trading partner for 14 consecutive years," Hon emphasized. "By participating in expos like the CIIE, we hope to further boost and enhance trade between our countries," she added.

The CIIE has served as a vital platform for Malaysian companies over the past seven years, enabling them to showcase their products and services while strengthening trade partnerships.

The expo's growth was evident in its numbers, with 3,496 exhibitors from 129 countries and regions participating this year. While 186 exhibitors, including Fortune 500 companies, had maintained their presence across all seven editions, the event continued to attract newcomers, particularly small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

Among the first-time participants was Elizabeth Kalambo, CEO of Sisalana (Tanzania) Company Limited. "We've been trading through a middleman who would come to Tanzania and then take products to China. Now, we're here to meet our clients directly," she said, expressing optimism about expanding her company's global reach through the expo.

Elizabeth Kalambo, CEO of Sisalana (Tanzania) Company Limited, introduces products at the Tanzania National Pavilion of the seventh China International Import Expo (CIIE) in Shanghai, Nov. 6, 2024. [Photo by Wang Yiming/]

Similarly, Manuel Garibay, manager of industrial sales at Royal Ridge Fruits, was another newcomer aiming to discover fresh business opportunities.

Reflecting on his experience at the expo, Garibay shared, "I think it was a great success. It's been one of the best trade shows we've attended in China. We're excited about the connections we've made and what we can achieve over the next few months and potentially years," Garibay said.

Garibay was impressed by the volume of potential buyers approaching their booth in the opening days. "It was a pleasant surprise; we didn't expect this level of success," he added.

Manuel Garibay, manager of industrial sales at Royal Ridge Fruits, at the American Food and Agriculture Pavilion of the seventh China International Import Expo (CIIE) in Shanghai, Nov. 9, 2024. [Photo by Wang Yiming/]

Royal Ridge Fruits, which specializes in premium dried, frozen and fresh fruit processing, joined the expo through an initiative by the Washington State Department of Agriculture.

"We work closely with them, and they invited us to join the expo. Next year, we plan on having our own booth and setup, given this year's success," Garibay said. He also highlighted the potential of the Chinese market, emphasizing its large population and rapidly growing middle class, which means more disposable income and a greater demand for its products.

The American Food and Agriculture Pavilion, returned for its second year, following its debut in 2023.

The pavilion hosted its opening ceremony on Nov. 6 and set a new record by signing deals worth $815 million on the first day, surpassing the previous year's total. The pavilion's exhibition area expanded to more than 240 square meters, reflecting growing U.S. interest and participation.

Elisa Duan, trade specialist of the International Marketing Program at the Washington State Department of Agriculture, emphasized the importance of the Chinese market for Washington State's agricultural exports.

"Washington exports a wide range of agricultural products to China, including wheat, potatoes, apples and cherries," she said.

In 2023, China was the state's largest market, with exports totaling $11 billion, representing 18% of Washington's total goods exports.

In addition to Royal Ridge Fruits, Duan brought dairy products company Darigold to this year's expo. These companies aim to expand their Chinese market presence through the CIIE. "The expo is a great opportunity to promote local agricultural products and create more export opportunities through government support," Duan said.

Assessing the expo's impact, Duan expressed satisfaction with the outcomes, noting interest from Chinese supermarkets and e-commerce platforms like Alibaba, with more opportunities anticipated.

Duan said she intended to bring more companies to next year's expo, focusing on helping SMEs enter the Chinese market. "The CIIE is an important trade platform that helps promote trade relations among countries," Duan said.

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